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Return to (Ab)Normal

After months fighting problems caused by the pandemic, we’re finally able to return to working on this website in a committed fashion, and provide ever more sample packs. From this point on, we’re hoping to release something much more regularly; either a free or a premium pack or instrument. Ultimately, we’ll move to a weekly release schedule in 2021. There’s a lot of catching up to do for all of us who’ve been set back this year!

To keep up with our schedule, you can sign up to our newsletter or follow us on social media.

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Live Side Project

KS Hand Logo

Sadly, a live side project we’d been working on has had to end due to the current pandemic. We have also had to rearrange some recording work due to this, like so many of our audio colleagues. However, we hope that this will give us more time to work on sample packs and programming. We appreciate how lucky we are to have something to work on; so many audio engineers and other colleagues in the live entertainment industry are really worried about the future.

The live project would have been cool – it was organising small local gigs in unused spaces around the country, basically trying to repopulate the high streets of the UK with music and live performances. Naturally, this isn’t even worth looking at given the current situation! However, we hope to look at it again when the world is given some kind of ‘all clear’…

In the mean time, we hope you’re all safe and well and using this time to make awesome music. We’ll add more free packs as soon as we’re able to.